The Eukaryotic Linear Motif resource for
Functional Sites in Proteins

ELM Downloads

Below you'll find examples of the different ways that can be used to query ELM programmatically. No special client is needed for this just a browser or maybe "curl"/"wget" for scripted access. By using these access methods you implicitly agree to using/distributing this data according to the ELM Software License Agreement.

ClassesLast modified on: Oct. 7, 2024, 3:27 a.m.

Here you can download a list of ELM classes, either all at once or limit the list by providing a query term "q".

Name Example URL
all html /elms/elm_index.html
all tsv /elms/elms_index.tsv
by query term tsv /elms/elms_index.tsv?q=PCSK
by ELM id html /ELME000012.html

InstancesLast modified on: Jan. 30, 2024, 4:28 p.m.

Annotated ELM instances can be queried in a variety of ways. You are encouraged to use the search form to get a feeling for the parameters. Common examples include limiting the query by either instance logic or taxon.

Name Example URL
all html /elms/instances.html?q=*
by Uniprot acc fasta instances.fasta?q=P12931
by Uniprot name gff instances.gff?q=SRC_HUMAN
by Uniprot acc tsv instances.tsv?q=P12931
by query term pir instances.pir?q=PCSK
by query term tsv instances.tsv?q=src
by query term mitab instances.mitab?q=src
by query term xml instances.psimi?q=src
by query term using additional parameter "instance logic" tsv instances.tsv?q=src&instance_logic=true+positive
by Instance id html /ELMI000123.html
All docking motifs annotated in taxon "mouse" tsv instances.tsv?q=DOC_&taxon=mus+musculus

InteractionsLast modified on: Jan. 30, 2024, 4:28 p.m.

Interactions between annotated ELM instances and the corresponding globular interaction partner can be queried as follows. Data is provided either in simple TSV (tab-separated values), PsiMi XML or in MiTAB format.

Name Example URL
all interactions tsv /interactions/as_tsv
all interactions mitab /interactions/as_mitab
all interactions psimi /interactions/as_psimi
all interactions from certain taxon mitab /interactions/as_mitab?taxon=mus%20musculus
by Interaction id mitab /interactions/ELMINT000120.mitab
by Interaction id xml /interactions/ELMINT000120.xml
by Uniprot acc mitab /interactions/P33379.mitab
by Uniprot acc xml /interactions/P02751.xml

Interaction DomainsLast modified on: Oct. 21, 2023, 1:03 p.m.

List of all domains annotated as interacting with one or more ELM class.

Name Example URL
all interaction domains html /infos/browse_elm_interactiondomains.html
all interaction domains tsv /infos/browse_elm_interactiondomains.tsv

MethodsLast modified on: Sept. 25, 2023, 3:19 p.m.

The following table holds all methods which have been used during the ELM rigourous data curation process.

Name Example URL
all methods html /infos/browse_elm_methods.html
all methods tsv /infos/browse_elm_methods.tsv

PDBsLast modified on: Jan. 30, 2024, 4:27 p.m.

The following table holds all PDBs which are annotated in the ELM database.

Name Example URL
all PDBs html /pdbs/
all PDBs tsv /pdbs.tsv

GOTermsLast modified on: Oct. 20, 2023, 5:36 p.m.

The following table shows the GOTerms which are annotated per ELM class.

Name Example URL
all GOTerms html /goterms
all GOTerms tsv /goterms.tsv

PathwaysLast modified on: Oct. 20, 2023, 5:36 p.m.

The following tables shows the Pathways which are annotated per ELM instance.

Name Example URL
all KEGG terms html /kegg_terms.html
all KEGG terms tsv /kegg_terms.tsv
all Reactome terms html /reactome_terms.html
all Reactome terms tsv /reactome_terms.tsv

Renamed ELM classesLast modified on: June 20, 2016, 4:45 p.m.

The following table holds all ELM classes that have been renamed in the past.

Name Example URL
all renamed ELM classes tsv /infos/browse_renamed.tsv


These are the annotation templates used to annotate and submit ELM motif classes and instances. Please contact us if you are interested in contributing to ELM.

If you're missing a particular format or would like to suggest some changes, please don't hesitate to contact the ELM webmaster.


  • switches.elm_ALG2.mp4 A movie about a molecular switch involved in the formation of the ALG2/Alix complex:

Please cite: ELM-the Eukaryotic Linear Motif resource-2024 update. (PMID:37962385)

ELM data can be downloaded & distributed for non-commercial use according to the ELM Software License Agreement