The Eukaryotic Linear Motif resource for
Functional Sites in Proteins

Pathways linked from ELM instances

The following list contains those pathways annotated at the "Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes" (KEGG) database for which at least one sequence is stored in the ELM database (containing at least one ELM instance). Sequences have been mapped from Uniprot to KEGG and colored in the pathway according to a simple colorscheme.

TaxonPathway entryPathway name# Instances# Sequences
bta04261 Adrenergic signaling in cardiomyocytes 1 1
bta05034 Alcoholism 1 1
bta04925 Aldosterone synthesis and secretion 1 1
bta05146 Amoebiasis 1 1
bta05031 Amphetamine addiction 1 1
bta04152 AMPK signaling pathway 1 1
bta04371 Apelin signaling pathway 2 2
bta04140 Autophagy animal 1 1
bta04976 Bile secretion 1 1
bta04020 Calcium signaling pathway 1 1
bta04024 cAMP signaling pathway 1 1
bta05207 Chemical carcinogenesis receptor activation 2 2
bta04062 Chemokine signaling pathway 2 2
bta04725 Cholinergic synapse 1 1
bta04713 Circadian entrainment 1 1
bta05030 Cocaine addiction 1 1
bta04610 Complement and coagulation cascades 2 2
bta04927 Cortisol synthesis and secretion 1 1
bta04934 Cushing syndrome 1 1
bta05414 Dilated cardiomyopathy 1 1
bta04728 Dopaminergic synapse 2 2
bta04512 ECM receptor interaction 1 1
bta04961 Endocrine and other factor regulated calcium reabsorption 1 1
bta01522 Endocrine resistance 1 1
bta04144 Endocytosis 4 3
bta04915 Estrogen signaling pathway 1 1
bta04510 Focal adhesion 1 1
bta00051 Fructose and mannose metabolism 1 1
bta04727 GABAergic synapse 1 1
bta04540 Gap junction 1 1
bta04971 Gastric acid secretion 1 1
bta04922 Glucagon signaling pathway 1 1
bta04724 Glutamatergic synapse 1 1
bta04929 GnRH secretion 2 2
bta04912 GnRH signaling pathway 1 1
bta04935 Growth hormone synthesis, secretion and action 1 1
bta04340 Hedgehog signaling pathway 2 2
bta05163 Human cytomegalovirus infection 1 1
bta05165 Human papillomavirus infection 2 2
bta05166 Human T cell leukemia virus 1 infection 1 1
bta04750 Inflammatory mediator regulation of TRP channels 1 1
bta04911 Insulin secretion 1 1
bta04910 Insulin signaling pathway 3 2
bta04211 Longevity regulating pathway 1 1
bta04213 Longevity regulating pathway multiple species 1 1
bta04720 Long term potentiation 1 1
bta04142 Lysosome 2 2
bta04010 MAPK signaling pathway 2 2
bta04916 Melanogenesis 1 1
bta01100 Metabolic pathways 1 1
bta05032 Morphine addiction 2 2
bta04740 Olfactory transduction 2 2
bta04114 Oocyte meiosis 1 1
bta04913 Ovarian steroidogenesis 1 1
bta04921 Oxytocin signaling pathway 1 1
bta04928 Parathyroid hormone synthesis, secretion and action 2 2
bta05012 Parkinson disease 1 1
bta05200 Pathways in cancer 1 1
bta04145 Phagosome 1 1
bta04744 Phototransduction 3 3
bta04151 PI3K Akt signaling pathway 1 1
bta04611 Platelet activation 1 1
bta05020 Prion disease 1 1
bta04914 Progesterone mediated oocyte maturation 1 1
bta05205 Proteoglycans in cancer 1 1
bta04014 Ras signaling pathway 1 1
bta04923 Regulation of lipolysis in adipocytes 1 1
bta04926 Relaxin signaling pathway 2 2
bta04924 Renin secretion 1 1
bta04723 Retrograde endocannabinoid signaling 1 1
bta04970 Salivary secretion 1 1
bta05132 Salmonella infection 1 1
bta04726 Serotonergic synapse 1 1
bta04742 Taste transduction 1 1
bta04714 Thermogenesis 1 1
bta04919 Thyroid hormone signaling pathway 2 2
bta04918 Thyroid hormone synthesis 1 1
bta04530 Tight junction 1 1
bta04620 Toll like receptor signaling pathway 1 1
bta04270 Vascular smooth muscle contraction 1 1
bta04962 Vasopressin regulated water reabsorption 1 1
bta05203 Viral carcinogenesis 1 1
bta04310 Wnt signaling pathway 1 1
Links redirect to the KEGG database with a color overlay corresponding to ELM classes.

Coloring is as follows:
CLV (cleavage site)
DOC (docking site)
DEG (degradation motif)
LIG (ligand binding motif)
MOD (modification site)
TRG (targeting motif)
multiple classes per sequence
Please cite: The Eukaryotic Linear Motif resource: 2022 release. (PMID:34718738)

ELM data can be downloaded & distributed for non-commercial use according to the ELM Software License Agreement